Our reading group has met once a week during semester without interruption since 2001. We switched to Zoom meetings in March 2020 and resumed in-person meetings in September 2021. At our meetings, we discuss an extended text by breaking it down into sections of 5-15 lines, with teams of two presenters first proposing a draft translation that the group then tweaks, and after that we have a discussion about interpretive questions led by the team of presenters. The idea is to discuss texts together with relatively little preparation in an informal and supportive environment in which everyone feels free to ask questions and try out ideas. This is an event that brings together most members of our large community of specialists once a week during semester.
Current Topic
Fall 2024: Aristotle, Poetics 17-22
In the current semester, reading group meetings take place on Mondays, 7:15-9 PM. The last meeting of the semester will take place on December 2.
Past Topics
Spring 2024: Plato, Ion
Fall 2023: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 10.8
Spring 2023: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 10.6-7
Fall 2022: Aristotle, De Memoria et Reminiscentia
Spring 2022: Plato, Charmides
Fall 2021: Plato, Charmides
Spring 2021: Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 5.2-6
Fall 2020: Hippocrates, Airs, Waters, Places
Spring 2020: Epictetus: Handbook
Fall 2019: Aristotle, Categories 8-15
AY 2018-19 Aristotle, Categories 1-7; Sextus Empiricus, Outlines 1
AY 2017-18 Aristotle, Metaphysics Lambda; Empedocles
AY 2016-17 Plato, Theaetetus
AY 2015-16 Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics 2
AY 2014-15 Parmenides fragments; Arius, Epitome of Stoic Ethics
AY 2013-14 Aristotle, Physics 1; Plato, Euthyphro
AY 2012-13 Aristotle, De Anima 2.5 - 3.3
AY 2011-12 Aristotle, Poetics; Plato, Parmenides
AY 2010-11 Plato, Timaeus; Cicero, Academica